Saturday, 8 August 2009


So in my last e.l.f. order I got another of their nail polishes and decided to give to put it on today! This one is called Moonlight and has a chrome finish to it.
In the end it took 4 coats to be even and if I'm perfectly honest that is 2 too many for how it eventually turned out. I don't think this is the best colour either for my pale skin tone, but alas - we live and learn!

In other nail news, a while back I won a competition from the nailphile and after the crap postal service lost my prize...
She is kindly sending me some other goodies to replace the package that got lost! Yay!
Also - something extra to clear up the staining on my nails. HAL.LE.LU.JAH!

What's your favourite e.l.f. polish?

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